Direct Capping and Indirect Capping (Pulp)

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Tooth decay is the most common in all dental issues. When the cavity is detected, the standard treatment of decay removal will occur, and the restoration of the tooth with either a silver amalgam or natural colored composite filling. Tooth decay is something that frequently can go untreated due to lack of dental insurance or dental anxieties. Be aware that tooth decay is very dangerous because decay can manage to seep deep inside the tooth to cause bacterial infection to damage the pulp (the soft tissue in the tooth’s core), affecting the nerves and blood vessels.

  • Once the pulp is infected, the only way to save the tooth is by root canal treatment.
  • The entire pulp will be removed, disinfected, filled, and sealed.
  • Extraction is needed when the infection does not simply go away on its own.
  • Left untreated, the surrounding tooth and gums will be infected.
  • Root canal treatment is determined by how the decay penetrates the tooth.

There are two types of procedures. One is the “direct,” and the other is “indirect” pulp capping. These procedures can either be done as long as the pulp tissues are still healthy and show no signs of bacterial inflections. If there are signs of inflammation, then root canal treatment is highly recommended. When the pulp tissues are exposed, then a direct pulp capping is suggested. The affected tooth will first be isolated from the rest of the mouth to prevent contamination until the decay is removed. When the bleeding stops, the tooth will be cleaned and fried before a biocompatible material can be applied directly. This will seal the infection and allow healing to process. Another filling will be placed for restoration to bring back proper function and natural appearance to the tooth.

The indirect pulp capping procedure can be done when the tissue is close to the surface and is not exposed. Typically this will be split into two treatments that are interval out to 8 months apart. During this procedure, most decay will be removed, but there will be a remaining portion. This will soften the decayed dentin to be treated with the biocompatible material. It will take several months later for the temporary restoration to be removed and healed. In most circumstances, the dentin will regenerate itself. Any residual of the decayed tooth can be safely removed. This will provide a permanent restoration.

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