What is Dental Bone Graft?

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What is a dental bone graft, and what you should know about them? A dental bone graft is a dental procedure in which it is performed to increase the bone support where the bone has been lost or needs additional help. The bone may be taken somewhere else in the body and surgically used to fuse to an existing bone in the jaw. A dental bone graft is generally needed in dental implants where the bone loss affects the overall health of nearby gums or surrounding teeth.

There are several ways that this procedure can be done. A dentist or an oral surgeon can make the incision in the jaw and attach the bone materials to the needed area. Typically this procedure is usually one if you have gum disease or have lost one or more adult teeth. Gum disease or permanent tooth loss can cause bone loss.
There are four types of dental bone grafts such as:

  • Autografts involve using a bone from your own body, typically hip, tibia, or back of the jaw.
  • Allografts involve using a bone from a different person.
  • Alloplasts deal with synthetic materials made of calcium phosphate or calcium sodium phosphosilicate.
  • Zenografts involve using a bone from another animal such as cows or pigs.

There are different methods for dental bone grafts. It may sound scary, but dental bone grafts help prevent long-term health problems that may link to tooth loss or gum disease. The procedure is safe and well-endured though there will be risks of side effects and complications. However, if you follow your doctor’s guidelines, it will help minimize the chances of complications to maintain good oral health.

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